The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4203004
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
27-May-24 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
With a nod to summer a wool bed blanket and a shawl that usually hangs on my office chair are airing in the dryer then will be folded and zipped into the under-bed holders for at least six months. The quilt will get a delicate wash and dry then go on a shelf in the closet. Summer-weight bedding is in full force from now on, as I begin the delicate dance of "do I want the ceiling fan blowing on me or not?"

While my tea brewed I started stripping the dried oregano leaves off of stems harvested a couple of weeks ago. Two new batches are drying on the front of the Kitchen Queen and later today I'll cut more and those will start out hanging over the kitchen sink. Harvesting now before they go into full flower is best. Once all leaves are separated from the stems they'll get a bit of a crush to reduce their size and be stuffed into canning jars with lids and a loosely placed ring on top. The trick using the FoodSaver canisters is that instead of using a $20 canister for one thing (to store all of my dried herbs airtight) I put the jar into the canister and use the canister to suck out all of the air from the jar. Remove the jar to sit sealed in the pantry for a long time. Repeat. You can also use commercial jars that have screw on lids with a rubber seal inside (like spaghetti sauce jars). Again, just lightly set the lid on, don't screw it tight so that the food saver can suck all of the air out to seal it.

I just heard the Navy jets flying in formation over the house. For most of the world it is Monday, here it is Memorial Day with the noisy jet demonstrations (usually offering the Missing Man Formation of one jet missing or leaving the formation to fly straight up and away. Quite moving.)

It's already hot but I'm going to mow the back this morning, then turn my attention to the gardens, where I can come and go to cool off as needed. This is one of two "do stuff around the house without needing to drive anywhere" days. The automotive place with the adjuster is open today but the Enterprise car rental office isn't, and the first adjuster appointment is Wednesday morning. One trip across town with a wonky door is enough for this week.