The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31942   Message #420302
Posted By: gnu
18-Mar-01 - 01:14 AM
Just read my last post and it appears that St. Pat's celebrations / libations must now cease for this here Canucky. Actually, it appears from the tone of my keyboard that they should have ceased a while ago. Apologies if I have offended any of my American friends.

Even though CAN is part of the largest military force on the earth, we would never think of supporting the British Empire in any endeavour without checking with you Yanks first. Polite as hell we are ! Well, there was that little skirmish back in 1812. Sorry about your capitol building - honest mistake. The boys just got kind of whooped up and all, you know. Oh yeah, we just plain forgot in 1914...honest. 1939 ? Well, I dunno, I guess we just got a little impatient after the first big one.

Geeze, when you think of it, it almost sounds like we're just tearin' for a scrap. Ain't so. We didn't jump right in when Korea took off. Oops, shouldn't have mentioned that one. But you would have thought we'd have got on the bandwagon in Vietnam. After all, them phosphorus mines and cheap labour were pretty important to the safety and security of the free world. Why else would the French have fought a war there for two hundred and fifty years ? I suppose we should have at least sent some interpreters there so's you lads could've understood what the french specking VC were trying to intimate to you.

In the end, though, together, we did battle train a fair amount of our troops and field test a fair amount of our weapons in Nam, which allows us to be strong and free. BTW, you're more than welcome for all the technology we supplied you during those Asian wars, er, military actions, er, policing actions, er, humanitarian actions, er, stop the spread of communism actions, er...? Not the least of which was the Avro Arrow, forerunner of the nuclear juiced 104 Starfighter, and predecessor to many of your top performers, like the the F-4 Phanthom, a big hit with the VC - poor, sick, twisted pun intended.

But I digress. The original question, or rather answer, to which we have no question yet, will be addressed by Alex in due time. I look forward to understanding his muse, "If we have to talk about Canadians, we might as well not have any political threads at all."

Oh, BTW, the reason we have been voted best country to live in five years in a row is because of a combination of caring for each other and because of our British Parliamentary system which allows us to make decisions within a reasonable fucking timetable.



gnight !