The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173336   Message #4203142
Posted By: cnd
30-May-24 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Burying Bourbon Before Wedding
Subject: Folklore: Burying Bourbon Before Wedding
I've seen from a number of websites and magazines that there's a supposed southern American superstition of burying a bottle of bourbon a month ahead of time to help prevent rain on a wedding day. Some purveyors also claim you have to place it upside down. Then after a (hopefully dry) wedding, the couples digs up the bottle and drinks some of it.

Having never heard of this tradition despite living in the south my whole life, I was a bit skeptical. It seems to really have taken off in popularity around 2017, when a number of websites started running articles on the tradition. The earliest reference to the act I've found was in 2011 (link), and the next oldest reference from 2014 (link).

Given this, I have to think this is one of those phony bogus modern traditions perpetuated by some TV show or something, but I haven't seen anything to discuss it otherwise. I'm especially doubtful because a) all the articles I've found are nothing but vague platitudes about "southern traditions" and "legend says" (but never cover any details or cite a reference), and b) a LOT of the South is very conservative about alcohol in general and liquor in particular.

So, am I just being a doubting Thomas, or has anyone ever heard of this in a setting prior to 2011?