The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4203584
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
07-Jun-24 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
There was an article in The Atlantic today that reflects your doom and gloom remarks, but I wish you'd all stop doing it. It's like you are wishing it to come true by saying it so often. Don't jinx us.

Here's a clip from that article (in case you hit the paywall).
American allies see a second Trump term as all but inevitable. “The anxiety is massive.”

The irony of Europe’s obsession with the upcoming election is that the people who will decide its outcome aren’t thinking about Europe much at all. In part, that’s because many Americans haven’t seen the need for NATO in their lifetime (despite the fact that the September 11 terrorist attacks were the only time Article 5 has been invoked). As one journalist in Brussels put it to me, the alliance has for decades been a “solution in search of a problem.” Now, with Russia waging war dangerously close to NATO territory, there’s a large problem. Throughout my conversations, one word came up again and again when I asked European officials about the stakes of the American election: existential.

“The anxiety is massive,” Victoria Nuland, who served until recently as undersecretary for political affairs at the State Department, told me. Like other diplomats in the Biden administration, she has spent the three-plus years since Trump unwillingly left office working to restabilize America’s relationship with its allies.

“Foreign counterparts would say it to me straight up,” Nuland recalled. “‘The first Trump election—maybe people didn’t understand who he was, or it was an accident. A second election of Trump? We’ll never trust you again.’”

We get it. We're working on it. Stop nagging, please, that makes it worse. Go get rid of Nigel Farage if you want something to do. (That should have happened ages ago, then maybe you'd still be in the EU.)