The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173358   Message #4203604
Posted By: GUEST,D.A. Ward
07-Jun-24 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Oldest (even ancient) murder ballads
Subject: Folklore: Oldest (even ancient) murder ballads
I am looking for references to or examples of the oldest of what we now call "murder ballads."

On the face of it, the murder ballad originated in the 1500s in Britain/Ireland/Scotland. There are some indications of Scandinavian songs of the like, though sources seem unclear.

This seems to me a very Western European lens through which to view the subject. I have to believe there are other examples, however well or not well documented, that go back to ancient times and include other continents and cultures.

Consider the Judeo-Christian tale of Cain and Abel. The very story lends itself to the rise of a murder ballad. While there have been numerous takes on this in the modern age, it's hard to believe someone didn't sing of this story in ancient times, even if there is only the faintest documentation of such a song.

So, I thought I would put the question to the many knowledgeable folks here on Mudcat to help with my research on this matter.

I thank you in advance for whatever information you all might be able to share.