The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158783   Message #4203711
Posted By: The Og
10-Jun-24 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Trump songs
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Trump songs
Those Gallant Red Hats (G).                Tune = After the Ball was Over
author = Bill Ogden

After the votes were counted, after the deed had been done,
Many a heart had been broken, vic-try had still not been won.
“Hold on,” our bold leader urged us, “just bully those weak bureaucrats,
Never give in for an instance, keep wearing those gallant red hats.

Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, all can be turned if we press,
Law suits, and recounts, and lying, cheating, subversion and stress.
Keep up the pressure on Georgia, push on ‘til others fall flat,
All of the nation will know you, in your gallant red hat.”

After the mob has all gone home, after the smoke fin-ly clears,
Gone is the strength of our people, gone are the brave volunteers.
Gone is the voice of our leader, purged from its old habitat,
All I have left of this glory, is my gallant red hat.