The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173314   Message #4203900
Posted By: cnd
14-Jun-24 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: Origin:Christopher Columbo/Christofo Colombo-bawdy
Subject: RE: Origin:Christopher Columbo/Christofo Colombo-bawdy
Here's a couple interesting versions I found while transcribing the one I posted Tuesday:

And, does ANYONE remember this one?? It was taught to our basic training course at Fort Knox, by Drill Sergeants Hunter and Anderson, both veterans of the mighty First Air Cav. Thanks, you two!!


In fourteen hundred and ninety-two,
A **** from Bodello,
Went waltzing down the streets of Spain,
A selling hot tamales.
He said the world was round, oh!
He said it could be found, oh!
That hypothetical, master mate,
That son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.

He walked right up to the Queen of Spain,
And begged for ships and cargo.
He said, "I'll be a son-of-a-bitch,
If I don't bring back Chicago."
He said the world was round, oh!
He said it could be found, oh!
That hypothetical, masturbating,
Son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.

Said Isabelle to Ferdinand,
His plan sounds mighty hazy.
Said Ferdinand to Isabelle,
I think the fucker's crazy!
He said the world was round, oh!
He said it could be found, oh!
That hypothetical, masturbating,
Son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.

The Queen, she gave him three fine ships.
Each one a triple-decker.
The Queen, she waved her handkerchief.
Columbo waved his pecker.
He said the world was round, oh!
He said it could be found, oh!
That calculating, masturbating,
Son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.

The Queen, she put her jewels in hock,
To get Colombo started;
She wept soft tears upon the dock,
When, at last, her hero parted
He said the world was round, oh!
He said it could be found, oh!
That hypothetical, masturbating,
Son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.

Colombo sighed most pensively;
He looked quite dissipated
To leave the bars which fringed the dock
Was what Colombo hated.
He said the world was round, oh!
He said it could be found, oh!
That hypothetical, masturbating,
Son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.

For forty days and forty nights
They sailed the broad Atlantic
If it wasn't for the sheep aboard
The crew, they would have panicked
He said the world was round-o
He said it could be found-o
That hypothetical, master mate
That son of a bitch, Columbo

The Skipper had a cabin boy
A dirty little nipper
He lined his ass with broken glass
And circumcised the skipper
He said the world was round-o
He said it could be found-o
That hypothetical, calculating
Son of a bitch, Columbo

A boatswain's mate fell overboard,
The sharks did leap and frolic,
They ate him up with relish great,
But shortly died of colic.
He said the world was round-o
He said it could be found-o
That hypothetical, calculating
Son of a bitch, Columbo

The crew got tired and mutineed,
They drew their dirks a gatlins's,
Colombo drew a marlinspike,
And chased them up the ratlines.
He said the world was round-o
He said it could be found-o
That masturbatingl, calculating
Son of a bitch, Columbo

For days and days, and nights and nights,
They sailed the broad Atlantic.
If not for the thought of a piece of ass,
The sailors would be frantic.
He said the world was round-o
He said it could be found-o
That hypothetical, calculating
Son of a bitch, Columbo

The Captain lived, the Captain loved.
The Captain's name was Morgan.
He lay on the deck a physical wreck,
A' playin' with his organ.
He said the world was round-o
He said it could be found-o
That hypothetical, calculating
Son of a bitch, Columbo

They spied a whore upon the shore,
And off came shirts and collars.
In thirteen hours around the clock,
She made ten thousand dollars.
He said the world was round-o
He said it could be found-o
That hypothetical, calculating
Son of a bitch, Columbo


.......This one went on and on, ad nauseum, and to the delight of every swingin' dick in the platoon! After a while, singing lustily, the verses echoing through forests and across the prairies, wherever and whenever we marched, word was not-so-quietly passed down that the officers' wives had heard, and had been offended by, the lyrics therein, and would we kindly try to keep our voices down when passing through the higher density areas of the base itself, when singing this particular song.