The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57103   Message #4204273
Posted By: GUEST,patriot
22-Jun-24 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: Pubs in decline
Subject: RE: Pubs in decline
I just bought a pack of 10 ten 500ML cans of Greene King IPA from ASDA for £8.
Not the most inspired beer in the oorld but OK for what it is- 3.4pc alcohol.
Why would I go to a noisy pop music riddled modern 'superpub' with a giant scren for ghastly modern football where I wouldn't get TWO pints for that money?
I can have peace & quiet & MY choice of music/film/radio/reading - it's a no-brainer.
I can understand it if your local pub is the Pilot in Berwick or the Red Lion on Romney Marsh but few of us are so lucky