The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62355   Message #4204473
Posted By: GUEST,Jon Bartlett
26-Jun-24 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Flash Frigate / La Pique
Subject: RE: Origins: The Flash Frigate / La Pique
The version I know is "The Flash Packet", and speaks of the western Atlantic rather than East Indies. Sample verses:

And now, me brave boys, comes the best of our fun
When we have to reef tops'ls and tack ship as one
With the boys up aloft and the hellum run down
"Stand by, tops'l halliards, when the main boom swings round."

Stand by tops'l halliards, for bowline and all
Then slack away tops'ls and let the wind haul
Aloft and way out and take two reefs as one
For all in a moment this work must be done.

My source was Capt. Charles Cates, of the Vancouver Towboat company.

Different crew, different long splices.

Jon Bartlett