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Thread #173395   Message #4204521
Posted By: robomatic
26-Jun-24 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Assange release
Subject: RE: BS: Assange release
From what I heard of the women behind the complaints (I'm being careful not to call it 'testimony') he had definite sexual proclivities which could be defined as a version of rape (alhough not forcible by my standards of definition). They didn't sound as if they were used to ensnare him by the authorities, but rather as if he was able to bypass them by the magnitude of the intelligence charges and the sources of the intelligence charges.

Last night PBS news interviewed two intelligence experts who were diametrically opposed to each other as to the gravity of the intelligence charges and what he deserved as a result. I heard no references to the sex issues. Once I was aware of them, I didn't forget them. They sounded as if he would be a good candidate for "Law & Order, SVU".