The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #732   Message #4204571
Posted By: Gallus Moll
27-Jun-24 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: Canadian (?) song wanted : folk/trad.(This Land)
Subject: RE: Canadian (?) song wanted : folk/trad.(This Land)
not strictly related to this thread, but there is a lovely. sad Canadian song in my head, canny remember it all - (nor can I spell the French Canadian words!).... think might be a Leonard Cohen Song?

Un Canadien errant,
banni de sez foyers
Parcourait en pleurant
Des pays etrangers
Parcourait en pleaurant,
des pays etrangers

Un jou=ur truste et pensif
Assis au bord des flots~
Au courant fugitif
Il addressa ces mots
Au courant fugitif
Il addressa ces mots

Si tu voit mon pays
Mon pays malheureus
Va dire a mes amis
Que je me souviens d'eux
Va dire a mes amis
Que je me souviens d'eux

O jours si pleains d'appas
Non vous etes disparu
Et mon pays helas
Je ne le verrais plus
Et mon pays helas,
Je me le verrais plus

apologies for all the mistakes, struggling to read the small type I have attempted to print!
I first hear the song many years ago as part of a film on tv about something in French Canada - it was stunning to hear, have never forgotten it (tho this is first time I've attempted to find it, copy the words - - and am struggling to read them!