The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34906   Message #4204726
Posted By: Lighter
30-Jun-24 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: Help: 'Lily of the West' known during Civil War?
Subject: RE: Help: 'Lily of the West' known during Civil War?
Ebensburg, Pa., "Democrat and Sentinel," Apr. 10, 1861:

"One day last week, a young lady entered our office, and handed one of the compositors, with whom we suspect she is in love, the following 'gem of purest ray serene.' We cannot say whether it is original or not, but certainly it is touching tender and pathetic. --

"I just came down from louisvil some pleasure for to find,
a handsum girl from Mishegan so pleasing to my mind.
her rosy cheaks and rolling eyes like arros pierced my breast
they call her handsom mary the lilly of the west.
i courted her for many a day, her love i thought to gain.
too soon too soon she slighted me which caused me much pain
she robed me of my liberty deprived me of my rest.
they call her hansom mary the lilly of the west.
one evening as I rambled down by Yon shady grove,
i met a lord of hi degre conversing with my love
he sang a song so merrily while i was sore oppressed
he sang of hansom mary the lily of the west
i rushed upon my rivel a dager in my hand
i tore him from my true love and boldly made him stand
being mad to desperation my dager pearced his breast
i was betrayed by mary the lily of the west
now my trial has come on and sentenced ile be
they put me in the criminel box and sune convicted me
she did deceve the jury so modestly she drest
she far outshone brite venus the lily of the west,
since then ive gained my liberty ile rove the country thrugh
ile travel thregh the city to find my trew love trew
altho she stole my liberty deprived me of my reast
i love my hansom mary the lily of the west."