The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173399   Message #4204813
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
02-Jul-24 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: American Presidential race 2024
Subject: RE: BS: American Presidential race 2024
When Biden wins next time let's hope his coattails bring in a robust Democratic House and Senate. Suspend the filibuster on day one. They will then have two years in which to pass the Voting Rights Act, to remedy the Citizens United decision (allowing corporate money into politics because they are "people" with first amendment rights as it stands now). Alito needs to retire and the House needs to impeach Clarence Thomas and pack the court with 2 or 3 reasonable jurists.

Roe v Wade needs to be restored, absolute rights to receive contraception codified. The ability of federal agencies to regulate industry needs to be restored. The cap on Social Security sits at $400,000 of an individual's income - remove the cap and SS will be in much better condition. Apply the "wealth tax" that Warren has proposed for years.

They may have the house and senate for his entire four years, but things can change with the House (in particular) every two years. Backlash in particular. But the big money needs to come out of politics asap.

Fixing the mess the Supreme Court made about presidential powers - that might take a Constitutional amendment. Or another case in which the more reasonable supreme court voids this week's nonsense.