The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173399   Message #4204877
Posted By: Helen
03-Jul-24 - 03:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: American Presidential race 2024
Subject: RE: BS: American Presidential race 2024
This article is by John Barron who co-hosts the (Oz) ABC show Planet America, and the less formal Planet America Fireside Chat. The show always conveys excellent analysis and balanced views. (By balanced, I mean common sense. They are not big fans of DT.) The whole article is worth reading, in my opinion.

Should the Democrats replace Joe Biden as presidential candidate? History says it's a risky move

The article presents an argument that to replace Joe Biden at this stage could lead to a Democrat loss and he uses some pertinent examples from the past.

"Did history scare off challengers to Biden's nomination?

"In 2020 Biden seemed to imply he would only serve a single four-year term, referring to himself as a "bridge" and a "transitional" president. His decision last year to seek a second term came in the afterglow of a solid 2022 midterm election result where Democrats were boosted by the conservative Supreme Court's overturning of the constitutional right to have an abortion.

"Biden remained convinced that like 2020, he is the best-placed Democrat to defeat Donald Trump.

"But there's another reason no high-profile Democrat challenged Biden. They all knew taking on an incumbent president for their party's nomination is almost certainly doomed to failure, and a failure that can also doom the president they challenge."