The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16707   Message #4204890
Posted By: Thompson
03-Jul-24 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: Origins of Carrickfergus
Subject: RE: Origins of Carrickfergus
I might mention that the Scots immigrants to Northern Ireland rowed across to Scotland from Carrickfergus for Sunday service whenever the sea was safe enough for centuries after they translocated.
Also that there's a long tradition of mournful men who haven't got the woman (or perhaps man) that they wanted, spending their lives as spailpíní, wandering workmen taking work where they could get it; indeed, many of the poets of the 18th century were spailpíní who wrote at night by rushlight after long hours of work, to preserve the ancient oral tradition of poetry in secret written form.
Also, Kilkenny marble was often used for mantelpieces, etc, in Georgian houses; it can be beautiful, with streaks of scarlet and gold through the stone.