The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173399   Message #4204964
Posted By: Neil D
04-Jul-24 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: American Presidential race 2024
Subject: RE: BS: American Presidential race 2024
I can't believe we are at this point in history.
The very knowledge that nearly half the US population supports this Trump creature makes me feel ill. The most profane, dishonest, self-serving, morally bankrupt person to ever hold high office in this country. In the opening post to this thread an historian is quoted about the Gish Gallop, a technique where you pile lie on top of lies until the fact checkers can't keep up. Something similar happens with actions as well. Trump did so many bad things that people tended to forget one thing as we moved onto the next. From sucking up to dictators while kicking democratic leaders in the teeth all the way up to his horrible mishandling of Covid, it was one thing after another after another. Here's an example: Our staunchest allies in mid-eastern conflict have been the Kurds, most recently as proxy fighters in Syria. That is until Trump stabbed them in the back. After one phone call with Turkish president Erdogan Trump not only pulled out US personnel who were providing cover for the Kurds, he also provided intelligence. including satellite images of Kurdish positions. Turkish attacks began soon after. I consider this to be the most heinous betrayal of an ally in our history, an act that brought dishonor on not only our military but the citizenry as well. There was no strategic reason for selling out the Kurds, just Trump crawling into bed with an autocratic leader.
And no one even remembers the incident because the media barely covered it, but mostly because of so much subsequent heinousness.
As bad as that first term was, a second one would be exponentially worse. Just look at his statements and those of his followers. Dictator on Day 1 and firing 50,000 civil servants and replacing them with inexperienced , untrained Trump loyalists. Our government will be in chaos. Hopefully, the EU will be able to keep Ukraine afloat because Trump wil abandon them on instruction of his Putin overlord and ,seeing this, China may be encouraged in its designs on Taiwan.
In an address to the Politburo after the death of Stalin, Kruschev used the term Cult of Personality to describe his iron grasped control of the USSR. Thats what we are seeing with the Republican party in its      total abrogation of integrity, morality and common sense in some twisted loyalty to the Trump beast.
And speaking of integrity, isn't the fact that Trump appointed Supremes can vote to give him immunity from crime the very essence of corruption? I expect to see a substantial slide from our current 26th position the next time the Corruption index is published. And if you think "26th place ain't so bad", then our expectations of our leadership has already denigrated.
I don't care if Biden descends completely into senility, he would still be preferrable to Trump. Hell. a piece of cheap furniture would make a better president than that criminal Donald Trump.