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Thread #172486   Message #4205014
Posted By: Backwoodsman
05-Jul-24 - 02:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
Looking at the numbers of votes cast by party, it’s pretty clear that it’s less a case of Labour ‘winning’ the election, more a case of the Tories losing. The Tories have been committing a form of slow Hara-kiri since 2016 and, although some former Tory voters switched to Labour, they appear to have hæmorrhaged votes to the Lib-Dems and the loathsome Reform UK party,

Labour have done the easy part of the trick by achieving a majority. The difficult part remains to be performed over the next five, possibly ten, years - reversing the huge damage done over the past fourteen years to the UK, and to the ordinary man and woman in the street, by the Party of Greed and Selfishness.

IMHO, of course, and YMMV.

@DMcG - Mrs Backwoodsperson and I have had a postal vote for years now, we applied one year when we were on holiday at election time, and we’ve never seen a reason to revert to in-person voting - postal voting is so convenient. If on-line voting ever becomes a ‘thing’ (doubtful, I know) we’ll be amongst the first to register for it.