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Thread #172486   Message #4205019
Posted By: Rain Dog
05-Jul-24 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
From the BBC

"The BBC is predicting that turnout will be 60% across the UK as a whole. This will be the second lowest turnout ever in a UK election since 1885, with only 2001 being lower at 59%

Vote share

Labour has around 34% share of the vote across the UK and the Conservatives 24%.

While the Liberal Democrats are expected to have the third highest number of seats, it is Reform who are currently in third place by share of the vote.

However, Reform have found it difficult to convert votes into seats, and the party has only four MPs returned so far, including party leader Nigel Farage in Clacton."


The turnout is disappointing. No doubt some of that might be down to people thinking Labour were going to win anyway, so there was no need to vote. I just wish the turnout was higher. I don't think it is healthy for up to 40% of people not to bother voting.

Based on these results I don't think Labour will be thinking too much about changing the voting system.

Labour have the chance to make a difference to the country. It will not be easy. I always live in hope that things will get better.