The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172486   Message #4205033
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
05-Jul-24 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
I see in my news this morning that Labor won "in a landslide" but with lower voter turnout. (So it would have been even bigger if more people voted, one hopes). What an elegant concession speech Sunak gave. We hope to return to a world of civil political behavior soon. (But wait - Farage was elected to Parliament - perhaps I write too soon. What a boor.)

The New York Times has been particularly busy raining on everyone's parade lately. An opinion piece this morning says Britain’s Election Is Not the Centrist Triumph It Appears to Be but tucked inside is this:
The Conservatives deserved the rebuke they got. They were in power for 14 years, with little to show for it other than a damaging exit from the European Union. After winning by a landslide in 2019, the party burned through three prime ministers, lurching from the feckless populism of Boris Johnson to the reckless 49-day libertarianism of Liz Truss to the uninspiring technocracy of Rishi Sunak.