The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173399   Message #4205038
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
05-Jul-24 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: American Presidential race 2024
Subject: RE: BS: American Presidential race 2024
In the US we vote for candidates, but in the US we have the winner-takes-all-votes Electoral College that gives an entire state to the winner in each state, it doesn't let the popular vote stand for the winner. (If there was no electoral college Hillary Clinton would be in her second term right now.)

This was put in place, erroneously, as it turns out, by those founding fathers, back in a day when only white male landowners voted and the small states were afraid of having no power, so every state got two senators, regardless of their population. That has worked against us since forever.

There are 14 states so far (don't quote me, but I think that's the number Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary under Clinton and political activist cites) that have broken with that and the votes are apportioned to the candidates during the electoral college convention (that whole mess on January 6, 2021 was the House accepting the results of the electoral college, where Trump tried to insert his fake electors.)

Some of you who read the Declutter thread may know that last spring I went in for two sleep studies, but they were inconclusive. My days were under-powered, to summarize. No energy, little interest in the usual things. It turns out that my late night work on the computer or reading on screens was the culprit. My own bad habits were washing my eyes and brain with blue light that makes getting to sleep more difficult and having productive sleep almost impossible. I've started turning off the computer a couple of hours before bed - what a change! And at Biden's meeting with Democratic governors this week he told them that he was changing his work habits, not working late into the evening and getting more sleep. I'm willing to bet he had the same problem I was having. It can lead to memory lapses, low energy, and general problems during the day. It is reversible by getting away from the screen and getting better sleep. It is certainly what I have found. It's like flipping a switch, once you back away from the screen, I felt better right away when I started this practice. So too will Biden.