The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4205415
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
13-Jul-24 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024

I have been to the country and back again - went to B on Saturday - "I'm not sitting around in the heat all day again!" My car has A/C so I would be cool part of the day. So I threw the bare essentials in the car and drove to Beaver. Stopped at the Hidden Gold Mine about 3:30 and they made me a hawaiian panini to go and I got the very last muffin - our fav raisin/carrot! And I finished the trip, organized what was necessary and let Larry know I was back for a couple days. Good sleep.

Put the ready-to-fire pots in the kiln - about 2/3 load - and considered next step. Had a great visit with Larry on Sunday and neighbour Sue joined us. Then read,rested, thought. Bought 4 20 inch fans. Had a good sleep.

Monday: decided the next thing needed was change of address so I went to the post office and arranged that - for a year. (Who knows?) Left Beaver in good order and drove back to QC. Ate the muffin for lunch! The traffic was heavy at the food stops! Thankful for the muffin which got me home. Precooked -by me- food in frig and brought back from Beaver still keeping us going!

Trying to find the guts to go to the dreadful bureaucracy to change Driver's license and car registration. I'll try on Monday

Two rainy days were wonderful and R moved a large cabinet out of pottery room - so I have room! He also carried some clay up as I am still leery of carrying much weight, esp upstairs. One smallish cabinet that had been clutter for a few years has, thankfully disappeared! To the cellar, I guess. I don't go down there.

The large one was upstairs because it was the only place to put it when the folks I gave it to 45 years ago, returned it!! Visiting a friend here a few months ago, I was inspired to suggest the cabinet might fit nicely into the tiny old house she is restoring. She has agreed to take it as soon as she has time! So it sits in a side hall for now - just a little bit in the way but tolerable.

The reason I gave this lovely pine cabinet away 45 years ago: A bunch of buildings were being torn down in Montreal and the contents were for sale. We bought it for $10 and brought it to where we were living - in a 3rd floor flat. We could not get it up the stairs so we put it back in Tom's truck: Let's take it to Roger. They took it into their beautiful old home as a "mitten cabinet"! (88 inches tall, 32 wide and 17 deep!!) It lived with that family - from home to home to home. Parents died, no one else wanted it... We also were gifted an antique day bed which is just right in the upstairs hall - where one could nap/recline/read and look at at the big trees in the front yard. I may do that sometime! It's ready any time the weather is not too hot!

The landing at the foot of the stairs is now clear of stuff and my single box of albums is almost in their special new home - and someday we may be able to play them on the special machine we bought for $50 and have not - in several years taken the time to figure out. We were told it will convert the 33/3 to CDs. If my son visits, I will try a Tom Sawyer! There is a Dan Hill in the box! (that and Norm Hacking peaked out.)

(Had to go find Norm on line and play a song. Haven't listened in years but remembered it right off - Really liked his music!)

OK, so here I am on another HOT day. Pulled weeds for maybe 20 minutes until it started to hurt. Another bit and that area will be clear of the invasive weed with nice purple flowers! They have an area where they are allowed. Milk weed has taken over a big chunk of two "flower beds" but that's OK! Cute little pods are maturing. I have not seen any butterflies at all...