The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173430   Message #4205517
Posted By: leeneia
15-Jul-24 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: mobile phones for the elderly, disabled
Subject: BS: mobile phones for the elderly, h'capped
I have a brother who has had two strokes and is very near-sighted. His mobile phone is hard for him to use.

Typical example: he was trying to order groceries from Amazon, his finger jerked, and suddenly he was looking at a screen about John Lennon. Then he flew into a rage because he didn't know how to get rid of John Lennon and get back to his grocery order. Naturally, rage makes everything worse.

I would like to hear from people who have used a phone designed for the elderly (or handicapped.) What brand was it? Did it work okay? How big was it?

I guess there are phones you can just talk into to send a text, but do they work if one's voice isn't clear? His voice is smoke-damaged and "thick-sounding," if you know what I mean.

My sister tried the much-advertised Jitterbug and didn't like it. She said it was cumbersome to use the list of contacts to make a phone call.
Was she right, or was she missing something?

Thanks for any insight you can offer.