The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173448   Message #4205889
Posted By: Lighter
22-Jul-24 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: Origins: When Lady Jane Became a Tart
Subject: RE: Origins: When Lady Jane Became a Tart
Seymour Hicks, Vintage Years (London: Cassell, 1943), referring to the 1890s:

“A wag wrote a wickedly cynical little six-line verse; but because it is extremely witty, and therefore obviously not of the drawing-room, let me rescue it from oblivion’s waste-paper basket and offer it to a confused world which is sadly in need of a smile. Here it is :

When Lady Jane became a Tart,
It almost broke her father’s heart.
But blood is blood and race is race.
And so, to mitigate disgrace,
He bought a most expensive beat
From Asprey’s up to Oxford Street.”