The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173459   Message #4206266
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
30-Jul-24 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: Review: The Topic Folk club has moved
Subject: RE: Review: The Topic Folk club has moved
snip - Further to the link above, and for those who haven't been - the Topic, founded in 1956, lays claim to being the oldest extant weekly folk-club in the world - snip

Australia's Bush Music Club was founded on 14th October 1954 & we say we're the second oldest folk club in the English-speaking world. I'm currently transcribing the 1955, 1956 & 1958 diaries of a member who wasn't at the first meeting, but joined late 1954. BMCs first meeting in 1955 was Fri 14 Jan, & we still meet weekly, & still take a Christmas break!

Long-lived folk clubs? 60yrs? I really must ask Joe to add 70 years to the title

San Francisco Folk Music Club (US) - founded 1948
Bush Music Club (Aus) - founded 1954
Topic in Bradford (UK) - founded 1956
Bridge Folk Club Newcastle (UK) - 1958
Edinburgh University Folk Society (UK) - April 1958
Vancouver Folk Song Society (Can) - July 1959
The Folksong Society of Greater Boston (US) - 1959
Victorian Folk Music Club (Aus) - est. 1959 as Bush Music Club of Victoria, name changed 1963