The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173459   Message #4206272
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
30-Jul-24 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Review: The Topic Folk club has moved
Subject: RE: Review: The Topic Folk club has moved
BMC was founded as part of the post-war search for traditional songs & tunes to counter the increasing Americanisation of our culture. People across Australia searched for the songs & tunes their parents & earlier generations knew before radio, movies & American film culture took over. Their finds are in the National Library Oral History & Folklore collection & State & other Libraries

BMC has always met weekly & has a number of different activities - some weekly, others monthly & some quarterly or annual. Today, post COVID we only have one quarterly bush dance but in past decades have had weekly or monthly dances in various locations. We've also ran an annual Bush Music Festival.

activities tho some entries are out of date. Our website is being updated.

Weekly - Slow (tunes) Session, Song & Tune session (aka Concert Party which plays for our dance & other dance events), Dance workshop, Irish slow session, several music sessions

Monthly - Playford Dance

Quarterly - Bush dance

Annual - Colonial Ball which stopped with COVID but will be back

The blog is a rabbit warren with a lot of archival & current info about us, if you have time, check out the Guide to the Blog& dive in!

Archivist, Librarian & Blogger