The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81115   Message #4206363
Posted By: Jim Dixon
31-Jul-24 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: Songs about Nelson or Wellington
From Great Nelson's Laurels (London: J. Pitts, 1806), page 3:


Come list, you lads, where’er you be,
Ye staunch lovers of your country,
While I unfold a victory
    Gained by the British squadron.
It was a fleet as bravely mann’d
As e’er an admiral did command.
The fleets combin’d went out to find
’Twas Nelson brave that steer’d each rudder,
Whose very name every soul made shudder
    On board the combined squadrons.

Before Cadiz he cruiz’d about.
The enemy he did starve out.
Three and thirty sail in show so stout
    Did engage the British squadron.
Sure never were two fleets before
So prepar’d to meet each other’s roar.
The signal gave by the hero brave
Was: “England, boys, your country dear
Does expect the duty of all here
    So due to a British squadron.”

While he was contending with his foes,
Was oft implor’d to change his clothes.
“No, no,” said he, “I’ll stand in those
    As the admiral of my squadron.”
As he the captains he addressed,
A ball smote him fatal on the breast
And as he fell he bade farewell
To all the crew and Collingwood.
He gave what he no longer cou’d:
    Command of a British squadron.

Thus fell the hero in glory
Whose name memorial e’er shall be,
For when alive belov’d was he
    By all the British squadron.
Likewise fell many a brave lad
As ever were in true blue clad.
For the foe did fight with all their might,
But soon they from their poops did rear
Their ensigns which replaced were
    By that of the British squadron.

For finding to conquer was in vain,
They proclaim’d them masters of the main,
And nineteen sail out of the train
    Gave they to the British squadron.
Now we have beat the foe again,
And our hero of heroes slain.
With a sparkling bowlm drink peace to his soul
And all that fell with him that day
In this most glorious tragic fray
    Belonging to either squadron.

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The same publication can be found in the Bodleian Ballad Collection, Curzon b.24(98).