The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4206428
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
02-Aug-24 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Charmion, there isn't a short answer, but I hope the following helps.

You have several options. Are the rest of the glasses in tip top condition, meeting your requirements as far as what you were looking for? If they are perfect and you would like to keep them, then keep in mind that she also gets to write a review of you as the the customer. Will what she says impact your score (and does it matter)? You're trying to sell china, so if there a ding on your score, than can make it more difficult to sell.

If I sell a single item, for example a used leather handbag, and it turns out to be not in as good a condition as I thought (this happened one time) - the buyer wanted a refund. I sell things with a buy-it-now price plus shipping (no gouging, it's just the eBay calculation of the USPS cost, and it is discounted for eBay). The way I set up sales, is that the buyer pays the return shipping, and I refund the purchase price only and the original shipping, not the return shipping. But those rules are made to be broken if you want to negotiate. This is what I have done two or three times when something like that happens:

If an item is rejected, I'm not going to sell it again so I don't want it back. The cost of mailing things back to me is usually enough to eliminate the frivolous shoppers (they can't buy something and return it and get all their money back, costing me shipping both ways. I'm not Zappos.) When I am convinced that it was my error, as with that handbag (my enlarged photo showed me the part they complained about) then I offer to let them keep the item (don't return it, don't incur that shipping cost for themselves) and the refund I offer is close to 100%, just enough reduced to cover the eBay fee for the sale. It saves them an additional expense so we both do better when they don't have to return it.

If I had sold those glasses (I'd have packed them better!) and they were broken, then in the US the USPS shipping cost includes insurance up to $100. I would have the party photograph the whole box, all of the glasses, broken and intact, and I think to get the insurance coverage for what was broken in the mail, some kind of document needs to be filed by me, possibly with photos, to the USPS (since I have the shipping receipt). Or else I send the shipping receipt to the buyer and let them file. Not sure which. I've never had to do it. I don't know if Canadian shipping is the same, (or if you bought from someone in the US?) For the seller, it's better for her to go the insurance route so she isn't out the cost of the glasses.

If none of that fits your scenario and you want to keep the three good glasses, then the $90 from her is a reasonable offer. If you wanted to return the whole box for a refund, see the discourse above (I included it for a reason). What happens if you return it? Do you pay the shipping and is it refunded? The three unbroken glasses have to arrive in the same condition or she can reduce the refund. It all seems in this instance to come down to the shipping costs. She won't want the broken glasses back. So if the deal is to meet your price or you'll return the whole thing for a refund and she's paying to ship broken glasses she can't sell . . .

I'm going to be extra careful with my next batch of glasses, after reading through all of the possibilities!

Dorothy, for someone who portrays herself at death's door, you're still very active. (I'm glad!) Good luck getting help with the hearing aids. Pulling weeds! It's probably good for you. :-)

I spent the morning down at a surgical center where an acquaintance was having something done along the lines of carpal tunnel surgery (a pinched nerve thing.) She was groggier after than she thought she'd be and I told her I wasn't going to just drop her off and let her fend for herself, though that is what she had planned. On the way to her home we went by the grocery where her pharmacy is and while she got that taken care of I bought two rotisserie chickens to put in her fridge. She's on a budget, gets Meals on Wheels, and eats a lot of frozen TV dinners. The chicken will be a few days of something else. She has four cats and two cat boxes that are usually horrible. They don't get changed enough, and I knew she'd need help with only one working hand right now. I emptied both, washed them out, then refilled them and carted several bags of used cat litter down to the trash room (she has a bin that she scoops into during the week and empties it all at once so the stinky litter smell is always there.)

She can call me if she needs help and I'll plan to stop by tomorrow to check on her on my way out to my discount grocery (great produce for sale on Saturday).