The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32136   Message #420693
Posted By: IvanB
19-Mar-01 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: NonMusic, NonBS:Big Mick Needs Hugs
Subject: RE: NonMusic, NonBS:Big Mick Needs Hugs
Mick, I'm so sorry to hear of Jim's death. I know from experience that it's especially hard to lose a friend when you feel there are still things that each of you had to say to one another. Although now is certainly a time for tears, hopefully those tears will resolve themselves in a rejoicing for all that you and others shared with Jim. Through that process Jim will continue to live on through the lives of his friends and family. My most positive thoughts go out to you and the other members of CCB as well as to Darla and the rest of Jim's family.

Thanks for your sharing. I hope that, when my time comes, I'll have a friend as good as you to help ease my parting.