The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4206946
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
12-Aug-24 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Two zip up hoodies, two fleece jackets, and my jeans jacket are going through the dryer now, along with a few small pieces of climbing gear (a couple of hats and two pair of gaiters that were on top of the games on that upper shelf - gaiters go around the top of your boots and the bottom of your pants to keep snow out.) I'll work my way through the rest of the closet either washing or dry cleaning as the week progresses.

I've cleaned the game boxes and half of those will go to the library, the rest will go back on the shelf (that has also been washed off).

Kitchen clearing out. I took my recycling stuff over to the bins behind city all and there was still room, lucky me! This is the bin that sits in the laundry room and overflows into the laundry basket if I don't go often enough. Then cleaning extended to the kitchen scrap waste bin (again) - it doesn't take much time at all for some kind of small fly to lay eggs in the scraps and they hatch quickly. This evening when I lifted the lid to tip my tea strainer into it there were tiny light colored maggots crawling up the sides. I turned off the motion-detector light at the side door before stepping out in my nightshirt to empty the bin in the outdoor covered bucket. The little bin and its cover are now soaking in the kitchen sink with bleach (one of the uses I do find acceptable). If I were Mr. Trump I would inflate the number of maggots in view, but since I'm not, I'll just say I'm glad I caught them when I did. It could have been worse.

The main thing this evening is that I called the recently-widowed friend out west and a two-hour call covered a lot of bases. She's thinking about setting up Facebook because so many people use it now instead of email - I told her I'd help her so she can shut down a lot of the nonsense that is default in the program. Being able to do video calls via Messenger is good - and can be done without a FB account, but it's fussy to set up. Better to have a well-regulated FB account so she can keep up with her quilting group and the local volunteer fire department and her generous neighbors who supported her for the last year. (She described their help - I love them without even meeting them.) When your beloved spouse was dying over the course of a year you're ready to move on - I asked questions, tried not to give many opinions - she is moving forward at the pace that works for her. I may drive out this fall for a short visit. We've been friends since 1989, so have a lot of history to reflect on.

Is it really only Monday? I've done so much already this week.