The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173399   Message #4206969
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
13-Aug-24 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: American Presidential race 2024
Subject: RE: BS: American Presidential race 2024
The insurance industry was going to be cut out of the health care operation back when Hillary was the first lady with the assignment of working on a health plan during Bill's administration. The insurance companies jumped all over them, putting up horrible ads (and I think they started some of the "death panel" stuff around then.) They kept protesting that she wasn't elected co-president, or elected at all (as if cabinet members were elected?) Hillary had to back off, and I think the Obama folks took the message.

Until Citizens United is overturned and the huge dollars are removed from politics, we will be facing a glut of smear advertising from the industries whose oxen will be gored. Elizabeth Warren needs to make the case fast if there is a triple Democratic house, senate, and presidency. That and another of investment practices (stock buybacks) need to be illegal again so the big dollars don't go back so much to the CEOs and stockholders as huge dividends.

Dick has entered one of his manic phases where he is trying to destroy conversations and is starting nonsense threads all over. A toddler on a sugar high. It's this behavior that got him completely kicked out of Mudcat before and it can happen again. I refuse to read his PMs so this is the only place he's going to get that message. Stop the crap or you're completely out. Again. And maybe the person who let you back in last time will remember why we all thought you needed to go. Dick, your musical contributions aren't worth it when you make all of the trouble everywhere else.