The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42245   Message #4207830
Posted By: Lighter
02-Sep-24 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Cruising round Yarmouth
Subject: RE: Origins: Cruising round Yarmouth
The 36-gun Royal Navy frigate "Venus" was launched in November, 1758, and subsequently was engaged in at least a dozen naval actions in the next few years. Its name inspired the following, dated by the Bodleian to "ca1770" (spelling, punctuation sic):

                 The Venus Frigate,

        You Lovely Frigits,
        That strole Fleet street
        And trudge it in the Cold and wet
        When at the Corners you do stand
        We know you want for to be man’d.        

        These Frigits tho’ so neat and trim,
        With si[l]ken Robes and painted skin
        Then some good hands pray get on Board
        Before that she can give th[i]s Re[w]ard.

        A Captain fi[r]st to give Command
        A Pilot to Guide her from Rocks & Sand
        Where his lead with pleasure he may sound
        Least the Frigate she should run on Ground.

        A ship Carpenter next good hand
        In her deck his main mast firm m[ay stand?]
        But first she must their treasure [tell?]
        Before she will with Pleasure Sail.

        When our whole ships Crews on Board
        and her Ca[r]go is well stor[‘]d
        On Venus Craft they with Pleasure [s]ail,
        Tho she caries Fire in her tail
        These Verses first when they were Lanch’d      [sic; vessels?]
        They was sent from the Cost of France
        Thou fair without they’re foul within,
        All those that has boarded her can tell.

        What need her whole Ships Crew Complain
        Since she gives such pleasure on the Main,
        Since in Venus Frigits they delight
        She has charms enough for to invite.

        Our Friget can no more be us’d
        Her M[a]rriners they must her loose
        On Venus Rock th[e]y broke her Keel
        And all in P[i]eces there she fell.

This is the only member of the song family that has the "fire-ship" done in by customers she has "burned."