The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173512   Message #4207988
Posted By: Joe Offer
05-Sep-24 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: ADD:I was not born a refugee (Anthony John Clarke)
Subject: ADD:I was not born a refugee (Anthony John Clarke)
(Anthony John Clarke)

I would not hurt your family,
I never hijacked any plane.
I worked so hard, I learned your language,
You and me, my friend, we're just the same.

I want a comfortable house every morning.
I just want a clean bed at night
I want a safe school for my three children
Perhaps just a cup of coffee with my wife.
A hat to keep my head warm,
And a kitchen cupboard that ain't bare.
Healthy food upon my table
But most of all, I just wanna know that there's someone there.

I miss my old housecat that used to keep me company,
I want my girls for once to have new clothes;
I'd love a message from my two younger sisters,
'Cause where they are, God only knows.
I want a job that feeds my family,
I do not want a single thing for free;
And though I thank you for your kindness,
I was not born a refugee.

Tentatively, this is the final transcription.