The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4208166
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
11-Sep-24 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
ps. yesterday I decluttered half a trolley load of stuff to the charity shop - tho most of it was discards by neighbours, but some was mine!

I took some books with me yesterday but the shop I was heading to was closed for stocktake, & the other charity shop doesn't take books so I'm taking the books out again today.

I'm reminded of a conversation some years back - a friend has been burgled & Police were there. The officer commented on the chaos in her son's room, but it wasn't the result of the intruders searching it - just his normal state.

A lot of the chaos in my living room & bedroom is archival - Australis'a oldest folk club, the Bush Music Club turns 70 in a few weeks. Eventually (if I live long enough!!) much of this mess will find a home in the National Library ...

Of course, I have lotsa' craft stuff that also needs, some to head off ASAP to the craft charity shop, The Sewing Basket & the rest can be distributed between my craft group friends & the Sewing Basket when my sister eventually sorts out my estate ...

I think charity shops will do well when I eventually pop off the twig