This month I had my first encounter with The Clutter Queen, from the Boston area. The Clutter Queen is a small business consisting of one Queen, a lady of middle age, and two assistants. One assistant for the office/internet/phone, and another able-bodied assistant for the actual work of clearing other people's clutter. I ought to provide a link to The Clutter Queen's website.
When I contacted The Clutter Queen, I focused on the piles and boxes of unfiled papers that have been taking up floor space in my apartment. We booked a four-hour slot in early September.
It's amazing how much faster it is to clear the clutter with three people (including me) as opposed to just me. I found some things that I have been missing for some time; and several huge bags of trash went to the apartment dumpster containing the stuff I never need or want to look at again.
The clutter isn't all cleared; we focused on one room only, where most of the clutter was the worst in the apartment. I'm seriously ready to contact them again to set up a future appointment. The Clutter Queen
But first I'm trying to clear out some furniture. I've already had someone express interest in the twin bed frame in my spare bedroom, so I hope they buy it from me and take it home before long.