The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4208764
Posted By: Monique
23-Sep-24 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
DAUNA DE LA MAISON (Occitan -Gascon dialect)

Adishatz, dauna de la maison,
Lo topin, la culhèra e lo caudron,
Ont ei la vòsta hilha
Lo topin e la gran' grilha.

Sabètz pas perqué e soi vienut?
Lo topin, la culhèra, lo bisagut,
Pr'evs demandar Catrina
Lo topin e la terrina.

Catrina e's marida pas d'enguan,
Lo topin, la culhèra, lo cuu deu can,
Que n'ei tròp soenhoseta*
Lo topin e l'escauheta.

Ont es lo mèste de la maison
Lo topin, la culhèra e lo caudron
Ont es anat lo mèste?
Lo topin e la casseta

Lo mèste qu'es entau mercat
Lo topin, la culhèra e lo grand plat
Crompar 'n sac de vaishèra
Lo topin e la caudèra

E quan lo mèste qu'es arribat
Lo topin, la culhèra e lo gran plat
Qu'am lo galant de Catrina
Lo topin e la terrina

Li èi dit "Catrina 's marida pas,
Lo topin, la culhèra et lo gran plat,
Que n'es tròp soenhoseta *
Lo topin e l'escauhèta

Era que hèi nòsta foncion
Lo topin la culhèra e lo caudron
Que'ns lava la vaishèra
Lo topin e l'escudèra

Era que hèi nòsta foncion
Lo topin la culhèra e lo caudron
Com' hèi sa prauba mèra
Lo topin e l'escudèra.

Good morning, mistress of the house,
The pot, the spoon and the caldron,
Where is your daughter,
The pot and the large grill

Don't you know why I've come?
The pot, the spoon, the adze,
To ask you for Catherine[to marry her],
The pot and the oven dish

Catherine won't marry this year,
The pot, the spoon, the dog ass,
For she's too diligent,
The pot and the bed warmer/warming pan.

Where is the master of the house?
The pot, the spoon and the caldron,
Where has the master gone?
The pot and the ladle.

The master has gone to the market
The pot, the spoon and the large dish
To buy a bag of tableware,
The pot and the kettle

And when the master arrived
The pot, the spoon and the large dish,
Here's Catherine's beau, (lit. "we have C.'s beau")
The pot and the oven dish

I told him "Catherine won't marry,
The pot, the spoon and the large dish
For she's too diligent,
The pot and the bed warmer/warming pan.

She does our service,
The pot, the spoon and the caldron,
She washes the tableware for us
The pot and the bowl,

She does our service,
The pot, the spoon and the caldron,
Like her poor mother does,
The pot and the bowl.
This is original word that can be found in a version of the song collected in 1912 in La chanson populaire et la vie rurale des Pyrénées à la Vendée by Sylvian Trébucq and spelled "soignousette". You can hear it sung now as "sen-yausépe" (or the like) as was collected by Félix Arnaudin (1844-1921) in his "Chansons populaires de la Grande Lande, t 2" that was still unpublished when he died and was first published in 1970. The words have no meaning per se and can only be the result of a mishearing of "soignousette", a Gascon diminutive of the French "soigneuse" (diligent, meticulous, careful) written in French spelling norm.
So, the masters wouldn't allow Catrina to get married because they'd have lost a too good housemaid!

Recording by Rosina de Pèira e Martina

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