The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75749 Message #4209229
Posted By: Gabriel
03-Oct-24 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Avondale (Behan)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Avondale (Behan)
Unfortunately, the DT lyrics have multiple errors, if one takes the words sung by the author, Dominic Behan, on the Rebellion LP. The order of the verses also differs, as indeed does the title of the song. On the album it is titled 'Parnell'. The original words as sung by the author are below with the erroneous wording in brackets. The order of verses has also been corrected.
Oh have you been to Avondale And (wandered) lingered in (the) her lovely vale (Where) While tall trees whisper(all)low the tale Of Avondale's proud eagle
Long years that green and lovely (vale) glade (Has) Had nursed Parnell, (our) her grandest Gael And cursed the land that (has) had betrayed (Fair) Bright Avondale's proud eagle
Where (fame) pride and ancient glory (fate) fade Such was the land where he was laid Like Christ was thirty pieces paid For Avondale's proud eagle