The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7033   Message #42100
Posted By: Tim Jaques
17-Oct-98 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Far from Their Home (A Song of Grosse Ile
Subject: RE: Transl: please, from a French Canadian
I used to see Brendan Nolan play at the Old Dublin in Montreal. A fine gentleman with a great sense of humour. He once wrote a parody of City Of New Orleans which was about Maritimers taking The Ocean (a train) from Montreal to North Sydney, NS. It is quite funny and spot on. (Drunks, noisy singing, babies wailing all night, which is exactly how it was) I have it on a 45 which is the only thing I have by him.

He now lives in Florida, IIRC, and has a web site up. Don't have the URL. He now some CD's out. I haven't heard them but he did have a good voice.

There is also a Presque Isle in Maine, Joe, and they used to call Zug Island in Detroit The Presque Isle until they cut the New Channel and made into a Vraie Isle. There are River Rouges all over North America.

Big Mick, the next time you are in Montreal go to the Montreal side of the Victoria Bridge. If you are willing to risk your life crossing four lanes of traffic, in the median there is a large stone with a plaque on it commemorating the Irish whose bones they dug up when they built the bridge. Cholera victims in a common grave.

BTW, many of the Irish orphans in Quebec were adopted by French Canadian families, which is why you sometimes find Quebecois with Irish names. The former premier Claude Ryan was one such, although I don't know if he is descended from one of these orphans or from one of the many Irishmen who married Quebecois women.