The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6997   Message #42105
Posted By: Tim Jaques
17-Oct-98 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lake George, 1922 (Teresina M. Huxtable)
Subject: RE: Great Lakes
Lake Champlain is not one of the Great Lakes. If you are going to include that, then why not Lake Winnipeg which lies in the same general chain and is bigger than Lake Erie? Sounds like the Vermonters trying to get some government funding here by having their lake deemed a Great Lake. This reminds of me of Queen Elizabeth being deemed a man when she visited Saudi Arabia, and about as logical.:)

I look out at the Detroit River as I type this. Apparently it is not a "true river", whatever that means, but happily the Detroit River ignores this calumny and flows on to the Atlantic nonetheless.

Do a thread search and one or more threads on songs from the Great Lakes should show up. Smithsonian Folkways has a CD of songs from the Great Lakes. I haven't heard it so I don't know if some of the songs are adaptations of salt water songs.