Baked beans? Not refried beans or a side of black beans? Were they mashed up? (Just curious - I'm sorry they seem to have spoiled the effect of what should have otherwise been a nice farewell dinner.)
This evening I cut a boneless leg of lamb into personal-sized portions and they're all wrapped and in the freezer. Fresh fruit has been cleaned and frozen, and I am organizing the fridge as we are now one month out from the US Thanksgiving. I need to figure out what I'm going to cook and if I need to load up on anything. It may well be lamb this year - my D-I-L is vegetarian except she will eat lamb (and suffer after, apparently, but she loves it). A turkey breast has less leftover, so some of each of those two would work. Family will be expecting my homemade dinner rolls, and I'll make a batch, but I'm also going to try making a batch using the gluten-free baking flour from Bob's Red Mill (so if I do a turkey breast I can have a sandwich.)
I have some recipes they like that could work for Thanksgiving, such as cranberry duff that is like a thin cranberry upside down cake with non-wheat flour. Of the two things I'm avoiding, wheat and sugar, I'll err on the side of sugar for that recipe.
In dog world, the tummy stitches come out tomorrow morning. Not a visit I look forward to; but it's the last appointment in this sequence. Meanwhile, this morning I found out one reason why breakfast isn't always as popular with this dog - the neighbor had upped the number of biscuits he was giving them in the morning and those things are large. I asked him to keep it to them sharing - break one in half for the two of them once in the morning. No wonder she's gaining weight even as I reduce the food in her bowl!
I have to finish the fence back there, with a gate, and then he can step through and hand each dog the biscuit without having to toss and hope one doesn't steal from the other. They can't go right up to the fence because of their Invisible Fence collars, and that is intentional. But he is welcome to come into the yard and if we have a gate it will only be between our yards, no one else would have access to it. I've been talking about that darned thing for ages - it's time to finish it. We're still in the high 80s but tomorrow should see a shift and rain for several days after before staying the 70s. Then I can work out there comfortably.