The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7033   Message #42122
Posted By: Jack Hickman
17-Oct-98 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Far from Their Home (A Song of Grosse Ile
Subject: RE: Transl: please, from a French Canadian
Just one more comment about the orphans mentioned by Tim above. Many of the orphans were adopted by Quebecois families, and it was the decree of the Archbishop of Quebec that these Irish children retain their own names. This was enthusiastically accepted by the adopting families. I'm personally acquainted with Brennans, O'Gormans, Bishops and O'Neills whose first language is French.

And to Joe's comment about the world's finest comic strip, I had always thought that Lynn Johnson drew a special version of her strip for Canadian consumption, but from your comments, I gather this is not the case.

Jack Hickman