The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173701   Message #4212682
Posted By: Johnny J
02-Dec-24 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: 'Do you still own a CD player?'
Subject: RE: 'Do you still own a CD player?'
I've digitised some of my old albums and, as I say, usually make copies of new purchases.
However, I've just got too many old ones and I gave up copying these long since.

Also, when I've purchased music downloads, I've also tended to make physical CD copies although less so these days.

While the opportunities for streaming are almost unlimited these days(I have an account with Amazon and also a free spotify with Ads), I still like to purchase those albums which I really want and/or to help support the artists.

I listen to streams a lot but it's a bit like how I used the radio in the old days... i.e. to check out new music and what's going on as opposed to an alternative to making actual purchases.

It's unfair that artists get paid such low royalties for their streams BUT it's not always the case that we would have necessarily purchased their music anyway nor have listened to particular tracks etc more than one or two times.

Maybe an ideal solution might be to impose a limit of the number of "listens" to a particular track or album...say a maximum of ten and if we really wanted to hear more, we should be made to purchase the album or individual track. Or pay an additional cost which could go directly to the artist?

The above may be quite complicated to do, of course, but in the meantime my conscience dictates that I should make an effort to support the artists if I'm going to continue enjoying and listening to their music in a serious fashion.