The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46579 Message #4212986
Posted By: GUEST,PMB
06-Dec-24 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Siege of Saint Malo
Subject: RE: ADD: Siege of Saint Malo
This is the same Admiral Benbow who later lost his legs by chain shot, by chain shot (his grave's in Kingston church). Interestingly, the song doesn't mention the most remarkable part of the action: a ship stuffed to the gunwales with barrels of gunpowder, which, but for a last- moment change of wind, might well have destroyed the town completely. As it was, there was much physical damage, including a house demolished by the flying capstan of the bomb- ship, but (according to the French) only one death - a cat. Details here: Black sails at St Malo