The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173694 Message #4212991
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Shaw
06-Dec-24 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: “Lamentable Fiddlers” in Sandy Bell's Bar…
Subject: RE: “Lamentable Fiddlers” in Sandy Bell's Bar…
Do you know something, I'm enjoying the conversation in this thread. It's been generally lively and civil with different perspectives, disagreements even, discussed in a positive vein. That is, until Dick waded in with his obsessive anti-Gill nonsense. For those here of slightly under a certain age, I'd just like to point out that many years ago on a forum or two, Dick and Michael didn't, er, exactly get on. Michael was rather prone to ridiculing Dick (ironically, in view of what Dick has said, because Michael was of the view that Dick's ego, how shall we say, outweighed Dick's talent. I make no comment...). Dick doesn't like Michael and would rather we didn't talk about him, hence the little barbs. Thing is, this thread is about Sandy Bell's. Michael, a very talented fiddle player as some here have attested to, has been a big part of Sandy Bell's for many years. I haven't been in touch with Michael for a good few years, and I politely asked here whether he still played at Sandy Bell's. I wouldn't call that thread drift, but hey ho. That's the picture, folks. I doubt whether I've said enough to stifle the barbs, but one thing's for sure: if Michael is reading this he'll be laughing his head off.