The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173694 Message #4213004
Posted By: GUEST,PMB
06-Dec-24 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: “Lamentable Fiddlers” in Sandy Bell's Bar…
Subject: RE: “Lamentable Fiddlers” in Sandy Bell's Bar…
Dick, nobody has suggested making rules of any sort. You really are missing the drift of this thread. Starting with wondering why someone didn't like the playing one one particular occasion in one particular pub, we discussed possible reasons for that dislike. We discussed different sorts of playing situations, including mixed song/ music events, sessions reading from music, and solid tune sessions, and how these are different.
You've now twice accused somebody of "betraying the tradition" whatever that means. Are you laying claim to superior knowledge of what constitutes "the tradition"?
As for one's "own way of learning", that is absolutely right... provided that way of learning doesn't interfere with others' (tacitly perhaps) agreed attempt to create their musical experience. Examples might be setting up music stands in an existing aural- tradition session, playing loudly in a style inimical to the occasion, or insisting that everybody stops what they are doing to listen to you. All of which I'm sure you would never do in a real situation.