The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172874   Message #4213110
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
08-Dec-24 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Language Pet Peeves part II
Subject: RE: BS: Language Pet Peeves part II
Sorry, Doug: "personhole" contains "son", so that's still male.

> I cant see nothing

If you're not objecting to the missing apostrophe in "can't", that's just an intensifier, as in Shakespeare's time. The "twice no is yes" logical stunt was an affectation of Dr Johnson and co-conspirators, around the time they started polluting the English language with imports from Latin.

.... I'd go further, but every time I try, something happens with the wretched scratchpad mouse-substitute on this laptop, and it eats the entire message. Argh.