The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173723   Message #4213276
Posted By: Donuel
09-Dec-24 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fall of Damascus; Syria & Mideast
Subject: RE: BS: Fall of Damascus; Syria & Mideast
Listen to recent ambassadors who have served in the region. Many are still in the loop. The US wants to keep ISIS prisoners locked up.
Isis could have 50,000 rebels if things go sideways. The rebel leader has denounced Isis beliefs but is expected to be the next Syrian leader. Its easy to denounce your denouncement.
Eventually, an analyst will decide things have gone sideways and the US will do something less than smart. Doing business in Syria from America would have many needful consumers... and blah blah.

Listen to those who see the big picture and not those with nationalistic bias. And listen to robo when he says its too complicated.