The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171068   Message #4213597
Posted By: robomatic
16-Dec-24 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Long Night in Ukraine - Feb. 23, 2022
Subject: RE: BS: Long Night in Ukraine - Feb. 23, 2022
Just re-watched 'Colossus, the Forbin Project'. Enjoyed the historical difference between the movie of 1971 and the political/ social adjustments that have occurred since. There was way more freedom of speech back in the 70s, for better and for worse. There is a lot of stuff that was predictive in the movie, but it's not unique to the movie. Many people were predicting the kinds of dangers we're facing, One thing that was not in the movi was the concept of computer viruses and worms. I distinctly remember the early signs of that from the early 80s. An English computer kid told me about 'rabbits and foxes', programs that existed only to multiply themselves, and other programs that would find and neutralize them.