The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6961   Message #42136
Posted By: ML in Ottawa
17-Oct-98 - 10:04 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Honey in the Rock
Subject: Lyr Add: HONEY IN THE ROCK^^
1.Hypocrite, hypocrite, God despise; (Feed every child of God.)
Tongue's so clean, but he still tell lies; (Feed every...)

2. We can have justice if we care, (Feed every...)
Right is right and fair is fair, (Feed every...)
Heart to heart and hand to hand; (Feed every...)
Together we'll push to the Promised Land. (Feed every...)

3. When I'm happy I'll shout and sing, (Feed every...)
And make the heavenly spirit ring. (Feed every...)

4. One of these mornings bright and fair, (Feed every...)
Gonna take my flight in the middle of the air, (Feed every...)
One of these nights about twelve o'clock, (Feed every...)
This whole world's gonna reel and rock. (Feed every...)

5. If we're gonna be fair, we gotta open the door; (Feed every...)
We gotta house the homeless and feed the poor. (Feed every...)
If the chains hold us down, we gotta break the lock, (Feed every...)
Then we'll taste sweet honey in the rock. (Feed every...)

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 4-Feb-02.