The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173649   Message #4213621
Posted By: robomatic
16-Dec-24 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Let's talk about the US election
Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election

you just writted:

You've noticed how trickster Trump uses labels. He learned this from Roy Cohn. “the essence of tricksterism is change, contradiction,
adaptation, surprise”. As a trickster, Cohn not only redefines labels,
but plays with a multiplicity of Jewish stereotypes and tropes in Kushner’s “Jewish
Fantasia.” Utilizing the item that estranges him from “American” culture—his Jewish identity—Cohn consolidates and preserves his power. Yet, what separates Cohn
from a schemer, for instance “Tricky Dick,” is that the trickster, even a malignant
one, operates from a marginalized position in society. And by operating from the
sidelines, he nevertheless accumulates his power while deftly navigating competing
loyalties alongside the impossibility of assimilation.
By first interrogating categories that threaten to contain him, Cohn successfully creates a space in which he can freely transform, evade, and even redefine identities. Kushner plainly illustrates Cohn’s proficiency in the subversion of labels—an absolute necessity for a trickster.

Please provide a source or link for WTF you are trying to say? Who is 'Kushner' in this screed? Are you quoting someone or is this original thought of some kind?I'd guess but I don't want to intrude on your independent mind.

BTW, Roy Cohn died 38 years ago in 1986.