The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27543   Message #4213820
Posted By: The Sandman
21-Dec-24 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Boar's Head Carol Info.
Subject: RE: Origins: Boar's Head Carol Info.
The Queen's College, Oxford: annual Boar’s Head Gaudy with Boar’s Head dinner.[6] William Henry Husk, librarian to the Sacred Harmonic Society, wrote about the Oxford tradition in his Songs of the Nativity Being Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern (1868):

    Where an amusing tradition formerly current in Oxford concerning the boar's head custom, which represented that usage as a commemoration of an act of valour performed by a student of the college, who, while walking in the neighbouring forest of Shotover and reading Aristotle, was suddenly attacked by a wild boar. The furious beast came open-mouthed upon the youth, who, however, very courageously, and with a happy presence of mind, thrust the volume he was reading down the boar's throat, crying, "Græcum est,"[7] and fairly choked the savage with the sage.[1]